The interview is fast approaching. Grab a friend or family member and have a practice with these potential questions. We’ve included our advice against each one.
General Questions
Tell me about yourself?
This is a classic open ended question. It’s a chance for you to divulge your qualifications, skills and background. Don’t waffle and keep it mostly career and work orien.tated
How would you describe your own personality? What adjectives would you use to describe yourself?
Again relate your personality to the job and the skills you bring to the position. Examples include - hardworking, honest and courteous. Expand why these qualities are relevant to the position.
What do you know about our organisation?
Make sure you research the company prior to the interview. Know the history, philosophy, products, size, turnover, image, goals and management style.
Why do you want to work for us?
Be careful with this one. This is a chance for you to show that you can make a difference to their needs. Show them that your skills and experience can help them reach their objectives. This is also your chance to sell yourself - show that you can make a difference. You should also say why you think it's a great company.
Why do you want this job?
Again, research the company and say what attracts you to the job.
What about our position do you find the most attractive and the least attractive?
Ideally you should be able to list four qualities that are attractive and only a minor one that is not.
What do you look for in a job?
Something along the lines of, "The ability to use my skills, to exceed expectations and to be recognised,” is appropriate.
Why should I hire you?
You should clarify your positive attributes that are related to the job and draw on past achievements including compliments from previous managers.
What would you do for us that someone else can't?
Relate your past achievements in solving problems and producing results that are similar to the job at hand.
What qualifies you for this job?
Again, same as above. Remember to go into depth and explain why.
What makes you want to work hard?
Ideally you should discuss achievement and the satisfaction you get from it.
Where do you see yourself to be x years from now?
Be honest and trust your instincts. Think about what they really want to know. Suggestions include senior management positions. It’s not a good idea to tell them you want their job unless they are obviously on the verge of retirement.
How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
Explain that you feel you would make a significant contribution as soon as you complete the learning curve because you're a quick learner.
You may be over qualified for the position we have on offer, what are your thoughts?
An answer emphasising that they will get a faster return on their investment since you have more experience than is needed is along the right lines. You could also explain what other benefits you could bring to the organisation that they might not have thought of.
What other jobs or companies are you considering?
Again, be honest and keep the answer specific to the respective employers industry.
What is your management style?
We would recommend open door management policy but each case is different.
In your last position, what were your five most significant accomplishments?
You should refer to the key achievements in your resume and expand on them.
What are your greatest strengths?
List at least three or four but keep them job related.
Specific Employment Questions
Explain how you overcame a major obstacle.
Give an example to highlight your problem solving skills and the satisfaction you derived from it.
What are your weaknesses?
If you say you have none, it seems a bit arrogant. It is always good to have a minor one, that others may be seen as a strength such as meticulousness. Again, keep it work related and remember to offer a strength that negates your weakness.
What is your biggest weakness as a manager?
Again- honesty. Try to be positive.
If I spoke with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Be honest as this is more than likely to be checked.
Describe a situation in which your work was criticised.
Be specific but try and be positive as much as possible. Draw on the knowledge that was gained, and how you benefited from the criticism.
How many people did you supervise?
Be precise with your answer.
What do you look for when you hire people?
An example could be skills, initiative and adaptability. Be sure to expand.
What do your subordinates think of you?
Your prospective employer could find out very easily - so be sure to be honest and truthful and as positive as possible.
What do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager?
An example answer could be planning, budgeting and time management.
What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?
Again, be honest and try to correlate as much as possible to the position in question.
Have you ever fired anyone? How did it work out?
Be as positive as you can and answer the question truthfully.
How do you resolve conflict?
Suggested answer could be, discuss it privately.
How do you handle pressure and stress?
Explain that you can work under pressure and meet deadlines by turning stress into positive energy. Examples include relaxing with a good book, socialising with friends which help you to be more focused at work. A good balance is essential.
Are you a good manager? Why do you feel you have managerial potential?
Again, talk about your achievements and place emphasis on management skills such as planning, delegating, controlling, interpersonal, communication, motivating skills.
What past accomplishments have given you satisfaction?
Describe workplace achievements that have been acknowledged, Try to focus more on achievement than financial gain.
Job Satisfaction Questions
Why are you leaving your present job?
Generic statements are recommended, such as career move, department was made redundant.
Why haven't you found a new position yet?
Answer along the lines that you're being selective and that it is easy to find a job, but much more difficult to find the right job. Be prepared to then answer, why you think this is the right job.
How would you evaluate your present firm?
Be positive - talk about the wonderful experiences that you had.
What do you think of your current employer?
Never speak poorly about employers. Always be as positive as you can.
In your current position, what do you like the most or least?
Be honest and as positive as you can.
Personality Questions
These questions demonstrate your broad interests and knowledge base.
What was the last book you read? What was the last movie you saw?
What sporting events do you enjoy?
What are your hobbies?
What type of music do you like?
What do you do in your spare time, or on weekends?
Salary Questions
How much are you looking for?
We recommend you don’t discuss salary and to leave it to the consultants as they have experience in salary negotiations. However, if you do have to answer, answer with a question such as, "What is the salary range of similar jobs within your organisation?" If there is no response, then indicate what you think you are worth in the market place. Be aware this puts you into a trap of being offered the lower end of the scale. Other answers include, "I am seeking the right organisation, and if you think that I am the best candidate for the position, you will tender me with your best and fairest offer.”
What is your current salary?
Again, try to let your consultants deal with this, but if you have to answer - be truthful. If you're expecting a raise soon, be truthful about the approximate amount that you expect.